jeudi 25 février 2010

Interact et DataCore donne rendez-vous à leurs partenaires

interAct and DataCore have the pleasure to invite you to the first DataCore Channel Event on Tuesday March 9 at 15h00 in our offices in Aartselaar.

This event is intended for all sales, pre-sales and system engineers. Whether you are already a DataCore partner or just interested in the technology, you’re all welcome!

We will inform you about the new solutions of DataCore such as Advanced Site Recovery, we will highlight the roadmap for 2010, give an overview of the special sales actions we have in 2010 and last but not least we will explain how you need to position and sell DataCore against other storage solutions!

After the sessions, we would like to invite you for a diner-bowling.

Program DataCore Channel Event

15.00 Advantages DataCore & new products
- Advanced Site Recovery
15.30 DataCore Roadmap 2010
16.00 How to sell & position DataCore

- Environment NAS CIFS-NFS
- Traditional storage environment
16.30 Licensing DataCore
- SANmelody and options
- SANsymphony and options
17.00 Promotions & special actions in 2010
17.30 Questions & Answers
18.00 Drinks & Fun

Click here to register before February 28

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